Friday, July 13, 2012

Our third cat is getting a new home soon!  An old school friend is going to take him, which is a good thing.  He will get more territory and attention and the girls will have less stress.  They tend to argue a lot right now.  I am happy it is all going to work out, but I will miss the little guy!  He is such a cutie and so affectionate.

It's time again for Happy, Sad, Weird!

Happy:   Better medicine for people living with HIV/AIDS.  Instead of having to remember the precise time to take 40 different pills, they can take just one now.  Hope it works, because that would be a lot easier to remember.  Kind of strapped for happy news today, but I just found out that dark galaxies exist and I think that's cool as hell, so maybe it counts?  Whole galaxies made of black holes and dark matter that you can't even see.  That is pretty freakin rad, okay? 

Sad:  The country of Syria no longer exists. In its place is a giant lake filled with the blood of the innocent. Annan is pretty pissed off, but as usual no one cares what he thinks because he's a pacifist.  It's not like he's gonna bust your door down, wave an Uzi in your face, and make you do something.  His opinion means about as much to the G20 as mine.

Also, every single species of lemur IN THE WORLD now shares a patch of rainforest the size of your backyard because Chinese people want hardwood floors and have cut the other trees down.  Or rather, they have paid the people who live on Madagascar less than $2 a day to cut the wood down for them, which they sell for a million bucks a pallet.  This money is not shared with the natives, so the natives also hunt and eat lemurs to survive.  It is not news that China is run by soulless automatons.  What depresses me about this is that the multi-film franchise Madagascar is capitalizing on the cuteness of dancing lemurs while doing NOTHING to educate people about their plight.  Not only are the movies an affront to aesthetics and indeed human intelligence in general, but they will probably still be making sequels even after THERE ARE NO LIVING LEMURS.  Because Hollywood is just about as heartless as China.  (Note: I have no problem with Chinese people in general, just the powers that be in that country and the extensive black market that thrives there.  The Chinese people are kept ignorant of many things by their restricted media and I don't blame them for not knowing what's going on, or for supporting their government.  Who wants to believe the people in charge are using them like so many batteries?  People embrace nationalism because the alternative is too depressing.  I get that.)

Also, SANDUSKY.  Not even going to elaborate.

Weird:  Hollywood is thinking about making an Aliens vs Dinosaurs movie, where the aliens are stand-ins for European settlers and the dinosaurs are stand-ins for the Native Americans.  Only they both lose?  They must because hello, mammals.  The aliens look like evil squid insects, by the way.  This guy has more details:

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